Task 2

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Task 2: Nuclear Tools for Ion Beam Therapy: focus on Radiation Quality

Warsaw University (Poland); VINS Belgrade University (Serbia); NuPECC; LPC Clermont-Ferrand (France); INFN-LNS-Catania (Italy); INFN-LNL-Legnaro (Italy); IFJ Krakow (Poland); GSI Darmstadt (Germany); ENLIGHT; EBG MedAustron (Austria) ; Basel University, (Switzerland).

Medinet-Task 2 Advisory Committee :
Jacques Balosso (France Hadron);
Angela Bracco (NUPECC, Univeristy of Milan) ;
Mario Ciocca (CNAO);
Manjit Dosanjh (ENLIGHT, CERN);
Marco Schwarz (Trento Protontherapy centre);
Markus Stock (EBG MedAustron).

External Participants (The participation to MediNet task 2 activities and working groups is open to external specialists and scientists, also from institutes external to the Ensar2 consortium. These participants will not have access to MediNet Task2 network funds):

Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)

The network

Task 2 focuses on software and hardware tools from nuclear physics for the assessment of the radiation quality in ion-beam therapy. The approach is multidisciplinary to study from one side the physical parameters of the radiation and on the other side the correlations to the biological effects. Working groups are formed for studies on Monte Carlo modelling of physical and biological parameters, studies for biological dosimetry, microdosimeters based on proportional counters and solid-state detectors, and biological and imaging compatibility of detectors for in vivo applications.

Contact for Task 2: Giulio Magrin, EBG MedAustron, phone +43 2622 26100 611, mobile +43 677 631 43 165, email: giulio.magrin@medaustron.at

Microdosimetry Repository

Microdosimetry Repository The role of this webpage is to help sharing documents, publications, data, and ideas which are helpful and instrumental for the advance of microdosimetry in ion-beam therapy.

Workshop: Microdosimetry in ion-beam therapy for beginners

Wiener Neustadt, October 9-10, 2019

The two main goals are

  • creating a ‘common language’ in microdosimetry in ion-beam therapy and
  • initiating collaborations between the research groups in Europe in the field of microdosimetry applied to ion-beam therapy, avoiding overlapping and promoting complementarity between the programs.

Workshop Website

Meeting on Deliverable 5.4

Darmstadt, 20-22 May 2019

  • Monday 20 May, from 10:30 to 12:30: Discussion on the topics and the structure of the deliverable;
  • Wednesday 22 May, from 13:30 to 14:30: Integration of the concepts discusses during the meeting of the International Biophysics Collaboration and planning the progress of the document.

Minutes of the Meeting

Midterm meeting, MediNet Task2 updates and planning

Belgrade, 12 14 March 2018


WG 6Development of Monte Carlo modelling of physical and biological parameters for ion-beam therapy”, (conveners: Pablo Cirrone, INFN-LNS; Lydia Maigne, LPC Clermont-Ferrand)

WG 7Cellular signaling and biological studies for biological dosimetry”, (conveners: Aleksandra Ristic Fira,  VINS Belgrade University; Manjit Dosanjh, ENLIGHT, CERN)

WG 8Developing of microdosimeters for ion-beam therapy and comparative studies”, (conveners: Marzena Rydygier,  IFJ Krakow; Paolo Colautti, LNL-Legnaro)

WG 9Study of biological and imaging compatibility of detectors for in vivo applications”, (conveners: Marco Dominietto, Basel University; Francesco Romano, INFN-LNS) 

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