Task 1

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Task 1: Research on Detector Instrumentation for Radiation Therapy

Participants: CSIC/IFIC + Univ. of Valencia (Spain);  GSI Darmstadt (Germany); CNRS: IPN Lyon (France); CNRS: LPSC Grenoble (France); CNRS: LPC Clermont-Ferrand (France); Johannes Liebig Univ. Giessen (Germany);  KVI-CART/Univ. of Groningen (The Netherlands);  LIP, University of Coimbra (Portugal);  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (Germany);  OncoRay + TU Dresden (Germany);  Univ. Complutense + Univ. Carlos III, Madrid (Spain); University of Pisa (Italy);  Univ. di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy);

External Participants (The participation to MediNet task 1 activities and working groups is open to external specialists and scientists, also from institutes external to the ENSAR2 consortium. These participants will not have access to MediNet Task1 network funds):

Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)


The network

The mission of Task 1 within the MediNet networking initiative is to promote the information exchange of ongoing R&D work in the
general field of radiation detection instrumentation.

Specific goals of Task 1 are: 

  1. establish working groups for specific project tasks
  2. provide a training ground for students (MSc and PhD level) by mutual exchange within a mobility program
  3. act as a forum for establishing new collaborations between ENSAR-2 groups and preparing joint projects of ENSAR-2 laboratories and high-tech companies involved in detector R&D
  4. foster the liaison and shared knowledge with US and Japanese communities

Contact for Task 1: Peter Thirolf, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany  email: Peter.Thirolf@lmu.de


Midterm meeting, MediNet Task1 updates and planning

Belgrade, 12 14 march 2018


MediNet-Task 1 News

Standardization of baseline phantoms: Following the discussion on standardizing phantoms and availability of phantoms within MediNet-Task 1 network, an action was proposed to collact a database of the phantoms available within the network institutions.\

Aim: To propose a phantom baseline for hadron therapy. The goal is to be able to compare (MediNet) detection systems in the future.

Step 1: Build a database in the MediNet Wiki with the information of different phantoms already available in MediNet institutions. Each institution will be responsible for completing the form attached to this email. The database can be public or private (to be decided).

Step 2: Using information from step 1, we will choose a standard phantom (material and dimensions). Also, depending on the interest of the MediNet community, it could be contemplated to provide a 4 or 5 phantoms to key facilities/institutions so they will be ready to use. Upon request, the phantoms can also be shipped to other institutions.



WG 1 "Detector developments for photon detection" (convener: Denis Dauvergne (LPSC))
WG 2 "Detector developments for charged particle detection" (convener: Vincenzo Patera (U Rome))
WG 3 "Novel scintillators and their application" (convener: Jose Udias (UC Madrid))
WG 4 "Developments of new photosensors" (convener: Dennis Schaart (TU Delft))
WG 5 "Development of efficient data acquisition electronics" (convener: Gerard Montarou (LPC Clermont))